Important Message to Parents

7 May 2020 by Kate Hebert

We are so fortunate that RISD has reopened our fields and tennis courts. What a great privilege we can enjoy. I hope you are getting some fresh air and exercise and are staying safe and well until we can be together again as a team. As an RISD athlete, you have an important responsibility to be a leader and to set a good example for others in the community when using RISD facilities. I expect each of you to act responsibly and to observe social distancing rules when you are out. Governor Abbott’s current orders permit individuals to engage in outdoor sports, provided that sports do not include contact with other participants, and no more than four participants play the sport at any time. Always maintain at least 6 feet between you and others when you are on the fields or outside with others. (That distance is a little more than two arms’ lengths.) Please stay home if you or a family member in your home have any of the symptoms of the COVID-19 coronavirus, have been diagnosed with the virus, or have had close exposure to anyone who has been diagnosed. We want every athlete to stay safe and well. We do not want to lose the privilege of using our fields and courts. Thank you in advance for being a positive role model and following these important guidelines!

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